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Faith in Your Future Changes Everything

Writer's picture: Dr. BriDr. Bri

Dear Friend,

We've all heard that God has a plan for our lives, but do you really believe it? Let me rephrase my question: Do you really trust His future plan for you?

Of course, it's easy to give lip service when we are in the company of other believers, but when we are home alone, what do our thoughts communicate to us? 

Do you really trust God for your future?

When God challenged me to leave my career (Watch part 123, and 4), I struggled a little with trusting His path for my future. Though I did obey and resign, it was not without internal struggle and a bit of torment. Who would I be if I was no longer a professor? Of course, I had built my life on this goal, and now that I had achieved it and had been instructed to leave, who would I be?

In retrospect, a better question for me to have asked myself was, "Who was I willing to become?"

When God leads us into our destined futures, we will have to leave some things behind. Ask Abraham. However, the things you must abandon will seem small compared to the future before you. 

Over the last few months, I've been working towards becoming, which means that I've had to decide to undergo a series of unbecoming. While the journey hasn't been easy, it has been productive because I've chosen to go from glory to glory with God. 

I've chosen not just to tell my truth but to tell God's truth. I've decided not just to become my ancestors' wildest dreams but God's greatest idea of me. I've chosen to believe that though I no longer have the backing of an institution, I do have the backing of heaven, which is the greatest institution. 

If you've been paying any attention to my journey, you've seen me move into the unknown. While the path isn't too clear at this moment, I've been showing you, in real-time, that it's possible to walk by faith and not by sight. 

I've been showing you that there are no limitations when you choose to follow God. I've been leading by example because I'm learning to trust God more and more, which means I'm learning about His intended future for me.

The Bible tells us in Hebrews 12:2 that Jesus endured the cross because of the joy that was set before Him. Plainly, Jesus stayed on the cross because of the future set before Him. That future was you and I. 

If we take our cues from Christ, we will learn that the journey won't be easy, but we can and should endure because of the promises that await us. 

So while I am approaching uncharted territories, I know that I am safe in the obedience of God and you are too.

Give God's future for you a chance. Who knows, it might just blow your mind.




As featured on...


... and CLA Journal, FEMSPEC, Pierian Journal, JEAL, Memoirs of A Virtuous Woman Magazine, Cultural Front, and Married and Young”


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