In the wee hours of Tuesday morning, the Holy Spirit woke me up to pray. As I said the Lord’s prayer, I went into a moment of deep reflection and thanskgiving marvelling at God’s faithfulness to me this far in 2024. (side note -January has literally flown by! Time is running!)
At the top of the year, I had a few reasons to be worried and anxious. Journeying with God through this season of transition in my life has not magically disappeared all of my worries and cares.
A few weeks ago, I had a moment in prayer where I cried my eyes out for an hour straight. The Lord was calling me to go deeper to the point of no return or turning back and I was wrestling back.
Despite my history with God, I could sense the fear of the unknown trying to creep up on me. I felt like I needed some control over this process of becoming what He has called me to be but the Lord was insisting that I relinquish control. He required me to submit afresh. It was either 1000000% His will or nothing.
This scared me a bit because it meant that He required higher levels of obedience and sacrifice (and I’d just have to find out as I continue to say yes to His will). Plus, it bothered me that He still hadn’t fully dealt with some of my cares yet.
In my private study time the Holy Spirit ministered to me and reminded me of Isaiah 55:8-9
For My thoughts are not your thoughts,neither are your ways My ways, declares the Lord. As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways and My thoughts than your thoughts
The Lord emphasized this verse by repeating it to a friend during her devotion, who immediately texted me that the Lord had given her this word for me.
I asked the Holy Spirit for revelation of this verse and He said to me that fear, anxiety and the need for control remove my focus from God. They don’t allow me to fix my eyes on Him. Instead I wallow in feelings of confusion, being overwhelmed and seemingly directionless.
When I'm not focused on God, His presence wouldn’t go with me and I’d be alone.
To be unstoppable in 2024, fix your eyes on Jesus.
Focusing on the Lord means taking the high road, defying your logic and understanding.
Show the Lord that you trust Him absolutely.
There is nothing that the Lord will not do for those who trust Him.
He is serious about going the whole 100 yards for those who put their trust in Him and in His name.
He will do the impossible (Matthew 19:26)
He will direct you and give you strategy (Psalm 32:8, Isaiah 48:17, Psalm 37:23)
He will protect you from pestilence and harm and calamities shall not come nigh you (Psalm 91)
He will break through iron gates, doors removing any obstacles from your path on your behalf (Isaiah 45:2-3)
His Hand will be upon you and your life will be a sign and wonder for the glory and honor of His name (1 Peter 5:5-6, Isaiah 41:10, Psalm 77:14, Psalm 107:21)
Focus. Keep your eyes fixed on Jesus.
I am catching up on some reading, but Holy Spirit led me here today at this time. This is my Father emphasizing to me what we spoke about this morning and countless other times. I felt so much of His affirming grace because I have been battling the same emotions of confusion, being overwhelmed, and feeling lost without direction. Thank you for this!
My God 🙌🏾 what a timely word. I have the same sentiments at this time - relinquishing control has been a prayer point for me for weeks now. Thank you for sharing.