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How Diversifying Your Attention Can Make You Wealthy

Writer's picture: Dr. BriDr. Bri

Dear Friend,

Happy Wednesday! I know this blog is late today, but I couldn't figure out if I wanted to write to you now or hold it until February. As you can see, I decided that this message was too important to hold back.

You've probably heard me say what I'm about to share in various ways on YouTube, but I'm going to say it more directly here: If you're only listening to Christian channels, then you're at a disadvantage.

Please hear me out before you judge this post prematurely.

When we only listen to one message category, we unknowingly reside in an echo chamber. If you don't know, an echo chamber is an environment—often online or in social groups—where people are primarily exposed to opinions, beliefs, and information that reinforce their existing views.

Here's an example: If you've been paying attention to the Christian streets, prophetic voices have been announcing that there's a wealth transfer. They've been encouraging you to believe that God was going to take the wealth from the wicked and give it to the just. If you've heard these messages and they resonated with you, you believed them—and rightfully so.

But here’s my question for you: Has the wealth begun to transfer to you yet?

If it hasn't, then that might mean that you don't have enough information. It might mean that you're not tapped into the right circles to get your next steps. It might mean that you need to diversify your attention.

While I absolutely believe that God is transferring wealth into the Kingdom—because I’ve seen it flowing into my hands—I also believe that prophetic leaders only have part of the puzzle. And that’s totally fine because they "know in part and prophesy in part" (1 Corinthians 13:9). Essentially, the responsibility isn't on them to get you the rest of the information; it’s on you.

This is why you need to diversify your attention.

A few days ago, I landed on crypto-TikTok. What I mean is that I started coming across a lot of new creators who were speaking about cryptocurrency. In the vein of transparency, I’ve been in crypto since 2020, but I wanted to hear what other people were doing. One thing led to another, and I heard about a new coin (and no, it was not the Trump coin, which I think you should avoid). I went to research it on my crypto app, and what I discovered was that it was among the top 10 coins people were buying that week. And, to put icing on the cake, the coin was still less than a penny.

So what did I do?

I began to establish a position by investing into the coin. And today, I’m up over 90%.

Why am I telling you this?

Because I didn’t learn about the coin from church people. I learned about it from everyday investors who were sharing free information—and then I did my own due diligence.

This is why diversifying your attention is important.

Ultimately, belief alone is not enough, and faith without works is dead (James 2:26). It’s not enough to just believe God when you’re not willing to invest sweat equity to do your part. And why might you not be willing to do your part? Because Christians have been conditioned not to, and that mindset needs to stop if we hope to get ahead.

We need more than inspiration—we need strategy.

We need more than prophecy—we need actionable insight.

We need more than declarations—we need execution.

So this quarter, I want to challenge you: Diversify your attention.

  • Expand your knowledge beyond Christian content.

  • Tap into financial literacy, investing, business, and technology.

  • Position yourself for the opportunities that God is making available.

Because here’s the truth: God will give you the opportunity, but it’s your responsibility to prepare.

And, preparation requires knowledge, seeking, and strategy.

This quarter, don’t just wait for the wealth transfer to happen—position yourself for it.

The door is open.

The question is: Are you ready to walk through it?


Here are a few resources to help you get started:

Grab the Strategic Shifts ebook (free)

Grab The Wealth Mastery Bundle

Book a 1:1 Strategy Session with Me




As featured on...


... and CLA Journal, FEMSPEC, Pierian Journal, JEAL, Memoirs of A Virtuous Woman Magazine, Cultural Front, and Married and Young”


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