Upon reflecting on 2023, I realized that I was on the road to becoming. When the year began, I didn't anticipate or even foresee that I'd have a mind blowing year literally!
In January, I was still pushing through in my wilderness season without a clue as to when it would end.
In July, the Lord said that the wilderness season was over and I was relieved.
Come December I stepped into my breakout season and as the Lord would have it, in unfamiliar territory.
2023 was the year I scaled to new heights in my prayer life and dream life as an intercessor. My faith muscle grew immensely especially during the last 4 months of the year. I finally understood first hand what it meant to partner with God to see the manifestation of some of the prophetic words, dreams and promises He had given me.
Truly it is the Lord who changes times and seasons (Daniel 2:21).
2023 had some low moments.
I almost gave up in the wilderness. I felt that the heat of being refined was too much to bear because I was yet to see what the Lord was making me become. People privately laughed at and ridiculed me. I had a few moments of doubt when I wasn’t sure if the Lord would come through for me especially on my timeline, but He did in His time.
When we crossed over into 2024, I felt like I was seated at a desk on campus beginning a new semester (learning calculus) and class was in session.
I knew in my spirit that having crossed over to a new level, I had a new goal to press towards (Philippians 3:13-15).
I have to focus on the new thing the Lord is doing.
I won't dwell on yesterday’s failures or triumphs because I have not arrived. I will never arrive because there is more before me.
2024 must be greater and prolific, at the very least.
I will continue to pursue God, to know Him more and to ascend to greater depths of intimacy with Him.
I will follow His lead and take steps that I have never taken before.
I will obey and have faith like never before because I want to see the manifestation of promises and prophetic words in a manner that is unprecedented.
In my Christian walk, my life must shine for the Lord’s glory and honour on earth NOW.
Since I know whom I have believed and I am persuaded that He is able (2 Timothy 1:12), I wholeheartedly give God permission to make me. On my account of becoming, there will be a good report (testimonial) concerning me in the spirit realm (Hebrews 11)