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The Zoe Life

Writer's picture: Pam OrataPam Orata

a door leading into a lush meadow

You became a believer when you accepted God’s gift of salvation through Jesus Christ who

is the only way, truth and life (John 3:16, John 14:6). The premise of the zōē life experience for the believer is Jesus' promise to give believers a rich and satisfying life (John 10:10 NLT). 

Strong’s Concordance describes the zōē life experience as life that is real and genuine, a

life active and vigorous, devoted to God, blessed, in the portion even in this world of those

who put their trust in Christ, but after the resurrection to be consummated by new accessions (among them a more perfect body), and to last forever. While on earth the believer is supposed to be living according to the Lord’s perfect will. Jesus taught us to pray that the Lord’s will be done on earth as it is in Heaven (Matthew 6:10)

Imagine you’re standing on the front porch of a house and you’re hungry. You may have the code to the front door which gives you access to the rest of the house (most importantly the kitchen) or you may not. Now, while in the house you may or may not choose to explore and find the kitchen. Then while in the kitchen, if you're unaware of where the pantry is or how to use the stove, preparing a meal might be a challenge.

Dear believer, salvation is the code which gives us access back to the House of God and the treasures found therein. Unfortunately, many Christians are not aware that the zōē life experience is their portion here on earth. There's a lie from the pit of hell that Christians are called to live a life of poverty and powerlessness in the name of ‘humility’. In Matthew 11:12, the kingdom of God is described as a precious prize obtained by violent (strong, forceful) men. Many Christians go through life suffering unnecessarily because they are oblivious to the fact that the Lord has allocated a portion for them here on earth (Eccl. 5:9)

The zoe life experience is designed to transform a believer into an effective witness for

Jesus- one who moves in power and authority (Acts 1:8). As a believer you're as powerful as the information you possess and utilize. The Lord is heavily invested and emphasizes training anyone He has called in the School of the Spirit.

My continual prayer for you is that you will be bold, courageous and willing to risk it all

(Luke 14:25-33) as you partner with the Lord to walk in His perfect will for you. Don't be the one who stops at the door. Enter the House of God, explore fully and find what you need to live a victorious, fulfilling and abundant life here on earth. It's available to you because Jesus came that you would have the zoe life.

The journey of self-discovery is both daunting and rewarding, but its impact leads to a life of freedom. Have you been allowing life to happen to you or have you decided about you? Check out this month's bundle offering to help you make intentional decisions about you.

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