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Your Faith Walk Is Not A Cake Walk

Writer's picture: LexiLexi

Updated: Jan 20

1 Kings 19:11-17 lets us know that God speaks in a still, small voice. In that passage, Elijah is running for his life and ends up in a cave atop a mountain. The Lord tells him to go outside; a mighty windstorm comes, after that an earthquake and lastly a fire erupts. But the Lord was not in any of those things. God came in a still, small voice.

God reveals Himself to us in a number of ways, but the still small voice is my personal favorite!

In April 2021, when the still small voice told me that I was entering a season, and not going through a storm, I was excited. My 'problems' had just began unfolding a few days prior but I’m like “YES! God already told me what’s up so now I’m ready! Let me put on the armor of the Lord (Ephesians 6:10-18) and face this season head on.”

But BABY, we're three years in and I. Am. Shooketh! (I know that’s not really a word in the King James Version of the Bible but it should be!)

See, He gave me the play but then it felt like He left me alone on the battlefield.

I thought it would be a piece of cake because I already knew this thing would take a while to resolve itself.

But this faith walk is NOT a cake walk!

It feels like I’ve been through the wringer. I’ve had ups, downs, and moments that felt like my world had been completely turned upside down.

On March 10, 2024 (I told you… years later), I decided I was done. I decided that I was going to use all of the good sense that God gave me and make a decision based on that… so I thought.

And that decision was to divorce my husband. I’ve wavered with the thought more than a few times over the years but hadn’t made a decision. Actually, on three occasions God told me NOT to get a divorce but it wasn’t the still small voice so I thought maybe I heard wrong. LOL!

Most days, I had faith that God would restore my marriage. Faith, after all, is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of the things not seen (Hebrews 11:1). Although I didn’t SEE how He would restore it, I had faith that He would. Until March 10th. I filed for divorce.

How many of us have been in that place- not MY place because my walk is my own- but the place where YOU are fed up with your situation? The place where you're ready to use the information that you have to make a change to your situation.

There is a time and place for that kind of decision, but let me ask you a question, Sis. Did you talk to God first?

Revisiting Elijah’s story in 1 Kings 19 shows us that it's actually 3 years into his hard season. In the midst of this personal storm, and the chaos of the world around him, Elijah had to be still to hear from God. He didn’t have time to be shooketh. Because it was in the silent presence of God that he received specific instructions to carry him out of his season and also bless others in the process.

Faith is not the hope that a terrible situation is going to end well.

According to Strong’s Concordance, faith is the moral conviction of the truthfulness of God and the constancy of such a profession. We know and proclaim that God is true (John 16:13), that He loves us (John 3:16), and that nothing can ever separate us from His love (Romans 8:35).

That’s faith. Trusting in who God is, not what He will or won’t do.

When you feel like you are on the battlefield of life, remember who God is.

Have faith that He will do exactly what He told you about your situation.

If he hasn’t given you an instruction, get quiet in His presence like Elijah did, and wait for it.

If he has given you instructions and you aren’t sure if it’s Him (like me), simply have faith in who He is and do it anyway.

Trust in Him with all your heart, don’t lean on your own understanding.

And if you heard wrong, He will straighten your paths (Proverbs 3:5-6).

You have nothing to lose by trusting God.

In fact, the only way to please God is by having faith (Hebrews 11:6)

Walk by faith, not by sight (2 Corinthians 5:7) You got this!



As featured on...


... and CLA Journal, FEMSPEC, Pierian Journal, JEAL, Memoirs of A Virtuous Woman Magazine, Cultural Front, and Married and Young”


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