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Writer's pictureBree Orata

You Too Can Prophesy

I was excited to hear Dr. Bri's teaching on how words are prophecies. If you missed this powerful session, you can catch the replay. As much as prophetic words through others can provide direction and share God’s heart for us in any season, I’ve come to realize something powerful: not only can we hear from God for ourselves as His children, but we’ve also been given the authority to prophesy with our words.

Here’s some good news: By participating in the Let There Be Challenge, we’re doing just that -speaking prophetically into our own lives because declarations and decrees based on God's Word carry power.

Ezekiel 37: The Valley Of Dry Bones and the Power of Prophecy

He asked me, “Son of man, can these bones live?” I said, “Sovereign Lord, You alone know.” Then He said to me, “Prophesy to these bones and say to them, ‘Dry bones, hear the word of the Lord! (Ezekiel 37:3-4 NIV)

In the midst of death, despair, and hopelessness, God doesn’t ask Ezekiel to simply observe the situation. He tells him to speak to and prophesy life into the dry bones. The key here is that God’s Word through Ezekiel brought life to something that seemed completely hopeless.

When Ezekiel spoke God’s Word, the dry bones began to come together, forming muscles, skin, and breath, until they stood as a mighty army. This is the power of words.

Words Are Prophecies

A prophecy is not just foretelling the future - it’s about speaking with divine inspiration, whether for prediction or simple discourse. In fact, the Hebrew word used for "prophesy" in Ezekiel 37:4 can also mean 'to cause to bubble up', as if words were flowing from a deep well of divine emotion. Our words can bubble up from a place of divine inspiration and power. When we speak, we’re not just speaking to be heard; we're partnering with God’s creative force. We can create with our worsds, which carry the same power that shaped the universe.

In Hebrews 11:3, the Bible says, 'By faith we understand that the worlds (universe, ages) were framed by the word of God, so that what is seen was not made out of things which are visible' (AMP) A quick look at Strong's Concordance expands on what it means to frame, that is, to put in order, to arrange, to adjust, to prepare, to strengthen, and to restore. Your words have the power to repair what is broken, to perfect, and to make one what it ought to be. According to Merriam-Webster, “worlds” can refer to a sphere of life. This means that your words can shape every area of your life: family, business, marriage, finances, health, ministry, and more. Imagine that! Your words are more than just expressions- they're prophetic declarations. When you speak in alignment with God's Word, you are framing your world according to His purposes.

One of the clearest scriptures on the power of words is Proverbs 18:21, which says: 'The tongue has the power of life and death, and those who love it will eat its fruit.' Words are not neutral. When we speak words of life, we align ourselves with God’s purposes. When we speak words of death, we limit the possibilities God has for us.

Take a moment to reflect: How often do you speak words of negativity or limitation over your life? How often do you declare things that don’t align with the abundant, victorious life God has for you? Your words are shaping your world.

Even as we move beyond the Let There Be Challenge, here are two key life hacks that can revolutionize your approach to speaking:

  • Align Your Words with God’s Word- When you speak God’s promises over your life, you are tapping into His supernatural power. Find scriptures that align with your current season and declare them boldly.

  • Speak in Faith, Not by Sight- Just as Ezekiel prophesied to the dry bones despite the impossible appearance of the situation, we must speak in faith, even when our circumstances seem bleak. Don’t let what you see with your natural eyes dictate what you speak. Speak life, hope, and possibility, trusting that God is working all things out for your good (Romans 8:28).

You Too Can Prophesy

As God’s children, we are not powerless. We're equipped with the authority to speak life into our situations. Like Ezekiel, use God’s Word to prophesy to the dry bones of your life. So, how will you prophesy today? Remember, you're not just speaking words- you're creating with them. You are your own prophet, and your words carry the power of life or death.


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 Did you miss out on your signed copy of Dr Bri's new book Words and Authority? You can still get the ebook.

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